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April 2024pg 3

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2Quote for the Month“Your talent determines what you can do. Your movaon determines how much you’re willing to do. Your atude determines how well you do it.”-Lou HoltzOutlookReecng on the lumber industry, sources emphasize stability in their respecve businesses.In California, a lumberman expressed sasfacon with current business condions, preferring stability over the pandemic-induced chaos in the lumber market. Specializing in various hardwood species sourced mainly from Appalachia, he hopes White Oak demand diminishes, advocang for the resurgence of Red Oak as it is a more dominant species.An Oregon lumber source highlighted the eecveness of a global distribuon strategy, with diverse clientele in distribuon and manufacturing worldwide. Specializing in Alder of In this issue:* Upcoming Events* Outlook* Quote for the Month* Hardwood Federaon Update* Member News* News* MovaonNo. 661April 2024WHA Board of Directors - OcersAaron Blumenkron PresidentTeana Larson Vice PresidentLouie Guyee TreasurerJamie Price Immediate Past PresidentWHA Board of Directors - Board MembersSco ClarkNils DickmannAdam DupliseaMarlin LangworthySco LeavengoodMike LipkeBrad MichaelRyan PetersonDennis SandersStephen ZamboDavid SweitzerSecretary/ManagerPO Box 1095Camas, WA 98607Ph: (360) 835-1600Web: www.westernhardwood.orgEmail: wha@westernhardwood.orgUpcoming Events April 17, 2024WHA Board MeetingEmail: wha@westernhardwood.orgApril 16-18, 2024NWFA Wood Flooring Expo 21-23, 2024Hardwood Federation Fly-In 20-23, 2024AHMI Summer Conferencehttps://appalachianhardwood.comaAugust 6-9, 2024IWF Woodworking Fair 23-25, 2024WHA Annual ConventionEmail: wha@westernhardwood.orgOctober 2-4, 2024NHLA Annual Convention 9-10, 2024WPMA Annual Meeting

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3Have you renewed your WHA membership? Renew your membership now and ignite excitement in the hardwood industry! Enjoy capvang tours, enlightening webinars, and invaluable networking at the Annual Convenon. Partner with the Real American Hardwood Coalion for visibility, the Hardwood Federaon for legislave inuence, and the American Hardwood Export Council for global market impact. Contribute to forestry's future with scholarship sponsorships and support students through the WHA Annual Design Contest.Renew today to partner with us! Membership auto-renewal saves you 10%. Visit now or mail your payment to PO Box 1095, Camas, WA 98607.Thank you for your connued support, essenal to our success in 2024. Reach out with any quesons or to volunteer.Mark Your Calendar & Save the Date!Roll the dice on excitement at our high-stakes annual convenon! Buckle up for innovaon and inspiraon at the Ilani Casino Hotel, just a stone's throw from Portland. Network like a pro, dive into game-changing insights on export and domesc markets, lobbying wins, AI insights, and design trends. Bet on success with us as we delve into hardwood dynamics. Win big and fuel the future with our scholarship-supporng aucon and our premium rae oering a jaw-dropping gaming/coee table. Swing into acon at our lively golf tournament and double down on connecons. Don't miss out on this synergy-packed event, with exclusive e-ins to the Timber Processing and Energy Expo. Elevate your presence with sponsorship perks! With a dash of casino avor, it's a surere jackpot for your business!

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nwh.comSimple – we handle all the complexities that go into hardwoods to make life easier for you. Natural – we manufacture and supply only sustainable, high-quality products that breathe life into your work. Hardwoods – from harvest to delivery, we set the standard for what the hardwoods experience should be.

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5nwh.comSimple – we handle all the complexities that go into hardwoods to make life easier for you. Natural – we manufacture and supply only sustainable, high-quality products that breathe life into your work. Hardwoods – from harvest to delivery, we set the standard for what the hardwoods experience should be.Joining our hardwood associaon is an exhilarang opportunity packed with dynamic benets! Here's why you should jump on board with unmatched enthusiasm:1. **Unite for Greater Impact:** Let's amplify our inuence by joining forces with sowood groups, revoluonizing mber harvest together!2. **Powerhouse Representaon:** Gain a voice that resonates in the corridors of power! With our membership in the Hardwood Federaon, we're shaping policies in Washington DC and championing the hardwood cause!3. **Ignite Domesc Demand:** With the Real American Hardwood Coalion, we're spearheading a thrilling domesc markeng crusade that's pung hardwoods in the spotlight where they belong!4. **Conquer Global Markets:** Buckle up for an exhilarang ride as we conquer internaonal markets through our membership in the American Hardwood Export Council, showcasing the nest American hardwoods to the world!5. **Connect and Thrive:** Dive into a whirlwind of networking opportunies at the WHA's electrifying annual convenon and beyond, where connecons spark innovaon and success!6. **Inspire Future Leaders:** Join us in empowering forestry students to embrace the wonders of hardwoods through our capvang Design Contest and Scholarship Program!7. **Stay Ahead with Cung-Edge Insights:** Get ready to level up your game. We’re planning groundbreaking webinars, including must-know topics like navigang the AI revoluon in business!8. **Unlock a Wealth of Knowledge:** Our soon-to-be revamped website can be your ulmate desnaon for everything hardwood-related, oering a treasure trove of educaonal resources at your ngerps!9. **Shape the Future:** Dive into acon with our newly minted Strategic Plan and take the helm in one of our six acon commiees, where your experse can shape the future of our associaon!10. **Stay Informed and Promote Your Brand:** Don't miss out on the excitement of our Monthly Digital Magazine, where you'll nd the pulse of the industry, unbeatable adversing rates, and the chance to showcase your company's success stories!With so much passion, innovaon, and opportunity awaing, joining our hardwood associaon isn't just a choice—it's an adventure you won't want to miss! Join us today and let's carve out a future of unparalleled success together!Going to a meeting? Contact us to take along one of these popups for your table and help grow WHA!

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CONQUER© 2019 Wood-Mizer LLC *Price in US Dollars. Price and specications subject to change without notice. The ALL NEW WM4500 Industrial Sawmill is fully-loaded with stronger angled bed rails, reinforced dual-rod side supports, enhanced material drag back, and is equipped with 2" blades, balanced steel band wheels, 3" diameter blade guide rollers, 50% stronger head structure, pressurized blade lube system, powered taper rollers, and more. Don’t just live the wood life, CONQUER IT with Wood-Mizer’s next generation agship industrial sawmill. FOR MORE OUTPUT THAN EVER TRY THE NEW 1-1/4" TOOTH SPACING TURBO 7 BLADE! 800.553.0812$119,995* Retail Price“The quality of how Wood-Mizer constructs their mills and their engineering help you maintain production as well as your quality of cutting. The WM4500 is a lot heavier built which makes it easier handling bigger and longer logs.”—Marty Garbers L. Garbers & Sons Sawmill, OHIO, USANEW!6in Alder of various thicknesses, business is stable, with cauous consumer spending despite falling interest rates. Inventory management is crucial. End-of-year inventory constraints lead to a scramble for restocking. Despite challenges in the export market, parcularly in China, protability typically peaks in the second quarter, except during the pandemic.Update from Hardwood FederaonDana Cole, Execuve DirectorMarch 2024Hardwoods, U.S. Chamber Urge White House to Streamline NEPA - On March 6, the Hardwood Federaon joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Associaon of American Railroads, the Naonal Rural Electric Coop Associaon and other business groups in a conference call with the White House Oce and Budget (OMB) urging the Administraon to abandon plans to insert policy consideraons within the context of the Naonal Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This is a statute that governs the process by which federal agencies issue environmental permits and was not enacted to address specic policy consideraons such as wetlands designaons and climate impacts. The Federaon joined the Chamber and allied groups in formal comments submied in late September outlining arguments for streamlining the NEPA process rather than expanding its scope. The Federaon will keep you posted on developments related to changes to NEPA.FY 2024 Spending Package Promotes Carbon Stored in Wood Products - In a victory for the Federaon and its partners in the Wood Products Coalion, Congress nally passed a FY 2024 spending package on March 8, narrowly averng a government shutdown, that includes instrucons for the Forest Products Laboratory (FPL) to embark on a study quanfying the amount of carbon stored in wood products. Specically, the new law states that the FPL must “connue research to advance wood markets, including research on the amount of carbon stored annually in wood products, evaluated by specic wood producing sectors.” The law goes on to state that “eorts will also connue to focus on the environmental lifecycle benets of wood products in the built environment,” providing tools for the industry to ulize when promong markets for hardwood and other wood products.

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7President Proposes $7.3 Trillion Budget for 2025 - Despite the chaoc funding process taking place on Capitol Hill, on March 11, the Administraon released its 2025 budget, a proposal amounng to $7.3 trillion that constutes more of a statement outlining policy priories than serving as a benchmark for nal funding for the next scal year. The Administraon is requesng $29 billion for USDA programs, with nutrion assistance receiving the highest recommended allocaon of resources, which will add fodder to the debate surrounding the farm bill this year. Buried in the ne print, the document also proposes robust funding for “addional permanent … wildland reghters” and resources to “fully sta the Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS),” which promotes the export of hardwood products.Lawmakers Advocate Against USFS “Old Growth” Proposal, Exercise Oversight - In the wake of a proposal from the USFS earlier this year to amend all 128 Forest Plans to apply “consistent old growth policies,” on March 12, Sen. Barrasso (R-WY) introduced S. 3929, a bill that would prevent the USFS from moving forward with its forest plan amendment process. According to Sen. Barrasso, the USFS draed its proposal without “appropriate state or local input” and would eecvely impose a one-size-ts-all approach to old growth. In a related acon, on March 20, lawmakers from both chambers including Sens. Barrasso (R-WY) and Boozman (R-AR) and Reps. GT Thompson (R-PA) and Westerman (R-AR) sent an oversight leer to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack requesng details related to the agency’s compliance with the Naonal Forest Management Act in its plans to revise the scope of old growth regulaons, laying the groundwork for possible judicial and legislave remedies to USDA’s acon.Wood treatment plant manufacturing, worldwide since 1983.The most environmentally friendly wood treatment ever known!Hydro-Thermo Modication 1-877-785-0274 www.americanwoodtechnology.comAmerican Wood Technology AWT Options: design, fabrication, layouts & accessories• Smallest footprint & simplest installation• Most gentle process available• Most eective heat transfer• Fastest process time & better product quality• Lowest processing cost per board footOur thermo plant designs provide:

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840YEARSHardwood Industries, Inc.www.hardw oodind.comNEXT GENERATION DISTRIBUTION

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9Mark Your Calendar Today! The Hardwood Federaon has scheduled Fly-In 2024 for Tuesday, May 21 to Thursday, May 23. Save the dates and come to Washington to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill! Stay tuned for details related to registraon informaon and Fly-In agenda.Member NewsPort Townsend, WA, is home to hardwood lumber and lumber products supplier and WHA member Edensaw Woods Ltd. With a wide selecon of products, current Vice President Buster Ferris said they carry around 100 species of domesc and exoc species. “Aside from that, we specialize in marine and cabinet grade plywood, rough and surfaced lumber, wood veneer, Hardwood ooring and specialty decking,” he explained. “Our selecon of slabs are second to none in terms of range of selecon and quality and is one of the largest in the Pacic Northwest.”Ferris said he is currently purchasing .5 million board feet annually in Alder, Ash, Beech, Cherry, Hickory, Walnut and Hard and So Maple. In addion, he also purchases about .5 million board feet in imported woods including European Beech, Bubinga, Jatoba, Spanish Cedar, and Meran. Addionally, 100 semi-loads a year of plywood products come from various sources.Edensaw Woods was founded by Buster’s dad, Jim Ferris, and his now deceased business partner Charlie Moore with the inial goal to provide specialty Hardwoods to the local Port Townsend and Olympic Peninsula boat-building community.Today the company is preparing to celebrate its 40th anniversary. “As Edensaw grew, our product oering connued to increase,” Buster said. “We now oer an assortment of shop and hand tools, cra and turning woods, live edge slabs, specialty burls, high quality veneers, marine and cabinet grade plywoods, and, of course, plenty of Hardwoods.”As for what sets the company apart from others and has kept the company in business for almost four decades, Buster said his sta is key. The knowledge, customer service and pride for what they do set them apart. “In this industry, you have to know about the products you’re selling. We have knowledge of the products, where they are going, and the applicaons they are being used in. When you call us for the rst me, we can help walk you through what you need and what the product is going to oer for your applicaon in terms of stability, durability and more. We oer a wide variety of services, specializing in custom millwork, CNC design and manufacturing and delivery.”The company’s on-site millhouse works with customers to ulize the selecon of wood, to design solid wood products according to exact specicaons. Buster explained, “We pride ourselves on being able to individually hand pick our lumber from our own stock for each order, which increases the consistently high quality for customer projects. We supply custom materials for local boat builders, and ne home contractors. With our custom moulding capabilies, we can duplicate classic Victorian trim and siding paerns to renovate homes on the Naonal Historic Homes Register.”Connually reinvesng in the operaon Buster said the most recent addions are a Weinig moulder and an iDry Vacuum Kiln increasing producon and eciency in both aspects. “With the installaon of the new Weinig moulder we have reduced our lead me from three weeks plus down to just a couple of days,” he said. “We sent the enre millhouse to the Weinig HOLZ-HER Educaon and Training Center in Mooresville, NC, and I could not be happier with this experience. With the installaon of our rst vacuum kiln we can now dry material in a fracon of the me as a convenonal kiln, which has been huge for drying our own stock as well as taking on customers’ orders.”The CNC Department at Edensaw specializes in small custom and large producon projects. Buster oered, “We specialize in cung cabinet parts, furniture pieces, proles, signs, templates, boat parts and y cung Hardwood slabs to create at tabletop surfaces. Our millhouse is equipped with a large variety of industrial equipment. We have a gang rip saw, resaw, planer, wide-belt sander, and moulder all on site to get our rough lumber one, two or three steps closer to the nished product. The wide belt sander can accommodate pieces up to 50 inches across.”“If our customer doesn’t have the space for all necessary equipment, then we can mill it with ours,” Buster connued. “If you don’t have a planer, we can surface it. If you don’t have a table saw, we can straight-line it, if you don’t have the space or the me then let us do it for you. Edensaw Woods Ltd. oers an assortment of shop and hand tools, cra and turning woods, live edge slabs, specialty burls, high quality veneers, marine and cabinet grade plywoods, along with their vast array of Hardwoods. Edensaw Woods’ on-site millhouse works with customers to ulize the selecon of wood to design solid wood products according to exact specicaons.

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10Since 1907 The Pacific Northwest’s Complete Hardwood Resource

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11Our moulder can create custom proles to cut that piece you can’t nd anywhere in any species you want. Whether they don’t make it anymore, or they never have–we ll in the gaps. If the project is too complex for human hands, our CNC department can create even the most intricate paerns and repeve cuts. With a 5-foot x 12-foot bed, the possibilies are virtually endless.”Sustainability is at the forefront of concerns for Edensaw. “We have always been dedicated to sourcing woods from sustainable forests. Not only do we follow the Forest Stewardship Council’s® strictest guidelines, as well as those of the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Cercaon, (PEFC) we also adhere to our very own standards when sourcing lumber, slabs and burls from our own backyard and abroad. If we are not good stewards of the forest and land, then what is the point? To help lead the way in sustainability we took Edensaw fully solar not long ago. Installing 528 solar panels for a total output of 201.75 kWP now producing more power than we use.”As for what the next 40 years will bring, he said he’s looking at new growth opportunies in the future and Edensaw Woods Ltd. has connued plans for year-over-year growth.Keller, Michelle. “Diverse Hardwood Lumber and Lumber Products at Edensaw Woods Ltd..” Miller Wood Trade Publicaons, Miller Wood Trade Publicaons, 1 Mar. 2024, U.S. manufacturing sector remains mired in a recession, negavely impacng demand for industrials and grade lumber. Addionally, the 2024 outlook is fairly underwhelming, with industry leaders predicng modest improvement, at best. The sector’s demand pull for hardwoods will accordingly feel like it is barely inching along, with economic, labor and polical concerns expected to weigh it down. Decreasing demand from the manufacturing sector contributed to the year-long decline in prevailing pallet board and cant prices in 2023 (Figure 1), as did low-grade producon increases, which started in the second half of 2022 and connued through the rst half of 2023 as grade lumber prices fell. The NAM survey results do indicate that large U.S. Wood Protection Products You Know and Trust.WWOOD OOD PPRROOTTEECCTITION ON PPRROODUDUCCTTSSWood Protection Products You Know and Trust.WWOOD OOD PPRROOTTEECCTITION ON PPRROODUDUCCTTSS1-888-END-COATsales@uccoatings.comBuffalo | Portland | SeattleLe,founder and owner Jim “Kiwi” Ferris, President of Edensaw Woods, stands with his son, Buster Ferris, VP, right.

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12manufacturers feel beer about the 2024 outlook than small to medium-sized rms, and that fewer respondents expect a recession in 2024 than did just a few months prior. Twenty-six percent of manufacturers expect sales declines in 2024, and the average growth forecast of the remainder is a meager 1.5%. Though twice as many manufacturers project increases in manufacturing output as project decreases, the average growth forecast is also quite low, at just 1.7%. Regarding capital expenditure increases, nearly the same number of respondents expect modest increases as expect decreases, or no change at all. One of the most posive outlooks is for further reducon in inventories; “This suggests that manufacturers are connuing to draw down their stockpiles, which should necessitate addional producon once demand strengthens,” NAM said. Not surprisingly in an elecon year, however, manufacturers say polical dysfuncon is their biggest concern in 2024, edging out geopolical turmoil and economic recession (Figure 2).- excerpted from Burbeck, Tony. “The Ongoing U.S. Maufacturing Recesison: Impacts on Demand for Hardwoods" Hardwood Review Express, 8 March 2024.When was America’s last good year? According to the American Enterprise Instute, a common Twier answer to that queson is “1999.” Perhaps the prophec purple rocker imprinted that date on the American psyche way back in 1982 when he started partying like the gig would be up in 2000. Maybe 1999 was not the last great year for the hardwood sector, but it most denitely was a high-water mark in lumber producon and pricing. Shortly thereaer, the dominant domesc market for hardwood lumber transioned overseas; hardwood producon capacity underwent the rst of several major contracons; and average, inaon-adjusted lumber prices began a 10-year slide, from which they have never fully recovered.On top of those ongoing challenges, hardwood lumber products today are also ghng for market share against a dal wave of substute non-wood and wood-look products pitched as “beer”—many of which were not even on the market in 1999, and few of which are subject to the same scruny as hardwood products. On the upside, the industry-coordinated advocacy that failed to get o the ground in the form of a check-o 25+years ago is now being led by the American Hardwood Export Council, the Hardwood Federaon, and the Real American Hardwood Coalion. Their eorts are far and away the best our industry has ever seen, and more important than ever as, 25 years later, our industry is sll ghng for the right to exist.Much has changed and much remains the same as 25 years ago this month. Perhaps what has changed the most is the increased volality in hardwood markets. China’s rapid growth blew up the tradional seven-year market cycle, and the shi to substute products has thus far precluded a return to stable, predictable demand for solid hardwood products. Over the long term, we hope hardwood promoon will bring back sustainable levels of consumer demand and we’ll once again party like it’s 1999. In the meanme, whatever stability there might be will come through careful, controlled producon.- excerpted from Meyer, Dan. “25 Years Ago This Month: That Was Then...Where Are We Now?" Hardwood Review Express, 15 March 2024.

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Safety Stor ageEffici ency Enhance the Safety, Capacity & Efficiency of your Storage FacilityManage your hardwood safely, more producively, and using less space with Combilit’s materials handling soluionsOur range of electric forklits combine powerful mulidirecional performance, emission free operaion and a host of up to the minute technologies to ofer the most eicient way to handle long loads.Contact Us TodayTToo ffiinndd oouutt hhooww CCoommbbiilliifftt ccaann hheellpp yyoouu ssaaffeellyy aanndd eeffffiicciieennttllyy llooaadd ccoonnttaaiinneerrss iinn 66 mmiinnuutteess..combilift.comHardwood Amanda 7.5x4.875.indd 1Hardwood Amanda 7.5x4.875.indd 1 22/08/2022 16:47:2922/08/2022 16:47:291345 Years Leading Dry Kiln Efciency! (800) 777-6953

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14U.S. Job Market Expands with 275,000 New Posions in February, Unemployment Rate Rises to 3.9%: Headline growth was strong, but payroll gains in previous months were revised downward by 167,000, resulng in a more moderate net increase of 108,000 jobs. - excerpted from Moultray, Chad, Ph.D.,DBE. “NAM-Weekly Economic Report - March 11, 2024”| NAM. Naonal Associaon of Manufacturers.: n. pag.Sawmills and wood products manufacturing facilies can be dangerous places to work. Not as dangerous as ying small freight airplanes or logging, but there are plenty of sawblades, conveyer belts and other machinery that pose potenally fatal dangers. - excerpted from Knol, Tim. “Sawmill Safety in Focus: 2023 Was the Deadliest in a Decade." Hardwood Review Express, 22 March 2024.There is sll too much inaon. Inaon is proving extremely dicult to tamp down. Last week, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stressed the need to become more condent that inaon is sustainably lower, but data last week suggest inaon is anything but sustainably lower. Consumer inaon accelerated in February, and further up the supply chain, producer prices jumped 0.6% for the month. - excerpted from Moultray, Chad, Ph.D.,DBE. “NAM-Weekly Economic Report - March 18, 2024”| NAM. Naonal Associaon of Manufacturers.: n. pag.The ship tragedy in Balmore on March 26th, where a Singapore cargo ship struck the Francis Sco Key Bridge, collapsing it, is expected to disrupt hardwood log and lumber export shipments for months, with casuales unknown and the Port of Balmore closed.WHA member TMX Shipping President Curs Struyk said his team is acvely monitoring the situaon and its impact on operaons. The company has containers on the vessel and in the port awaing shipment."First and foremost, we want to extend our most hearelt condolences for the lives lost by this incident," he said in an email to customers. "Our top priority is to ensure the safety and security of your cargo, as well as to minimize any disrupons to your business."Struyk said TMX sta are in close communicaon with port authories, shipping lines, and other relevant stakeholders to assess the situaon and take appropriate acon. Customers impacted will be noed immediately.Ships headed to Balmore will divert to nearby ports, from which it will be possible for cargo to use other means of transportaon to reach their nal desnaons.Outbound containers will be be relocated and updates provided as quickly as possible.Reuters image

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7President Proposes $7.3 Trillion Budget for 2025 - Despite the chaoc funding process taking place on Capitol Hill, on March 11, the Administraon released its 2025 budget, a proposal amounng to $7.3 trillion that constutes more of a statement outlining policy priories than serving as a benchmark for nal funding for the next scal year. The Administraon is requesng $29 billion for USDA programs, with nutrion assistance receiving the highest recommended allocaon of resources, which will add fodder to the debate surrounding the farm bill this year. Buried in the ne print, the document also proposes robust funding for “addional permanent … wildland reghters” and resources to “fully sta the Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS),” which promotes the export of hardwood products.Lawmakers Advocate Against USFS “Old Growth” Proposal, Exercise Oversight - In the wake of a proposal from the USFS earlier this year to amend all 128 Forest Plans to apply “consistent old growth policies,” on March 12, Sen. Barrasso (R-WY) introduced S. 3929, a bill that would prevent the USFS from moving forward with its forest plan amendment process. According to Sen. Barrasso, the USFS draed its proposal without “appropriate state or local input” and would eecvely impose a one-size-ts-all approach to old growth. In a related acon, on March 20, lawmakers from both chambers including Sens. Barrasso (R-WY) and Boozman (R-AR) and Reps. GT Thompson (R-PA) and Westerman (R-AR) sent an oversight leer to USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack requesng details related to the agency’s compliance with the Naonal Forest Management Act in its plans to revise the scope of old growth regulaons, laying the groundwork for possible judicial and legislave remedies to USDA’s acon.Wood treatment plant manufacturing, worldwide since 1983.The most environmentally friendly wood treatment ever known!Hydro-Thermo Modication 1-877-785-0274 www.americanwoodtechnology.comAmerican Wood Technology AWT Options: design, fabrication, layouts & accessories• Smallest footprint & simplest installation• Most gentle process available• Most eective heat transfer• Fastest process time & better product quality• Lowest processing cost per board footOur thermo plant designs provide:

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15MovateThe Elephant Ropeby A.M. MarcusA gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spoed that the elephants weren’t being kept in cages or held by the use of chains. All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope ed to one of their legs.As the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely confused as to why the elephants didn’t just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have done so, but instead, they didn’t try to at all.Curious and wanng to know the answer, he asked a trainer nearby why the elephants were just standing there and never tried to escape.The trainer replied; “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to e them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are condioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can sll hold them, so they never try to break free.”The only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was that over me they adopted the belief that it just wasn’t possible.Moral of the story: No maer how much the world tries to hold you back, always connue with the belief that what you want to achieve is possible. Believing you can become successful is the most important step in actually achieving it. (901) 372-8280

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