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July 2024WHA Annual Convention pg 3WHA Annual Convention pg 3

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2Quote for the Month“The land of opportunity. You just need the right people and the right work ethic and you can accomplish anything.”-Bob PoserOutlookHardwood suppliers on the West Coast mostly accounted for posive acvity.A contact in California reported that acvity had returned to pre-COVID "normal" levels, In this issue:* Upcoming Events* Quote for the Month* Outlook* Manager Update* Hardwood Federaon Update* News* MovaonNo. 664July 2024WHA Board of Directors - OcersAaron Blumenkron PresidentTeana Larson Vice PresidentLouie Guyee TreasurerJamie Price Immediate Past PresidentWHA Board of Directors - Board MembersSco ClarkNils DickmannAdam DupliseaMarlin LangworthySco LeavengoodMike LipkeBrad MichaelRyan PetersonDennis SandersStephen ZamboDavid SweitzerSecretary/ManagerPO Box 1095Camas, WA 98607Ph: (360) 835-1600Web: www.westernhardwood.orgEmail: wha@westernhardwood.orgCont on pg 5Upcoming Events July 10, 2024WHA Board Meetingwha@westernhardwood.orgJuly 20-23, 2024AHMI Summer Conferencehttps://appalachianhardwood.comAugust 6-9, 2024IWF Woodworking Fair 23-25, 2024WHA Annual ConventionEmail: wha@westernhardwood.orgOctober 2-4, 2024NHLA Annual Convention 9-10, 2024WPMA Annual Meeting

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3Have you renewed your WHA membership? Renew your membership now and ignite excitement in the hardwood industry! Enjoy capƟ vaƟ ng tours, enlightening webinars, and invaluable networking at the Annual ConvenƟ on. Partner with the Real American Hardwood CoaliƟ on for visibility, the Hardwood FederaƟ on for legislaƟ ve infl uence, and the American Hardwood Export Council for global market impact. Contribute to forestry's future with scholarship sponsorships and support students through the WHA Annual Design Contest.Renew today to partner with us! Membership auto-renewal saves you 10%. Visit now or mail your payment to PO Box 1095, Camas, WA 98607.Thank you for your conƟ nued support, essenƟ al to our success in 2024. Reach out with any quesƟ ons or to volunteer.Mark Your Calendar & Save the Date!Roll the dice on excitement at our high-stakes annual conven on! Buckle up for innova on and inspira on at the Ilani Casino Hotel, just a stone's throw from Portland. Network like a pro, dive into game-changing insights on export and domes c markets, lobbying wins, AI insights, and design trends. Bet on success with us as we delve into hardwood dynamics. Win big and fuel the future with our scholarship-suppor ng auc on and our premium raffl e off ering a jaw-dropping gaming/coff ee table. Swing into ac on at our lively golf tournament and double down on connec ons. Don't miss out on this synergy-packed event, with exclusive  e-ins to the Timber Processing and Energy Expo. Elevate your presence with sponsorship perks! With a dash of casino fl avor, it's a surefi re jackpot for your business!SEE PAGE 17 & 18 FOR SPONSOR & AUCTION FORMS

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nwh.comSimple – we handle all the complexities that go into hardwoods to make life easier for you. Natural – we manufacture and supply only sustainable, high-quality products that breathe life into your work. Hardwoods – from harvest to delivery, we set the standard for what the hardwoods experience should be.

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5nong that both their business and their customers had resumed a steady pace. The contact aributed the improved market acvity to the dynamic nature of Los Angeles, where construcon is booming. Looking forward, the contact expects hardwood acvity to connue improving in the coming months. Another hardwood supplier noted that their market remains order-to-order with consistent business, though demand hasn't changed much this year. Due to high interest rates, home sales have slowed, leading to more remodeling instead of moving.An Oregon hardwood supplier specializing in 4/4 and 5/4 domesc hardwoods reported steady acvity in both imporng and exporng. Specialty items, parcularly in Hard Maple, are performing well, though online sales have slowed since tax season. He highlighted the importance of strong business relaonships in avoiding transportaon issues. Despite the current challenges in online markets, he remains opmisc, expecng connued improvement in overall sales over the coming months.Manager's MessageDave SweitzerSecretary/Manager, WHAWildre Season Is Upon UsAs the summer temperatures heat up, so does the risk of increased wildres. We lose hundreds of thousands of acres of forested land each year to wildres. The forest products industry promotes the idea of cleaning up the forest through thinning, brush removal, taking out diseased and dying trees. The policians try to oat bills that will help in the clean-up, but are not aggressive enough. And those against harvesng of any kind connue their loud voice to object to any harvesng.What can the industry do? We can support any legislator or legislaon that can help make more harvesng available and curtail the threat of wildres. For example:“Rep. Sco Peters, D-San Diego, last week teamed up with House Resources Commiee Chair Bruce Westerman, R-Ark., to introduce the Fix Our Forests Act, which aims(Cont from pg 2)

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6to expedite environmental reviews and curtail ligaon that have delayed projects such as tree-thinning and undergrowth clearing in high-risk re areas. Advocates say clearing out smaller trees and brush and dead trees can help keep smaller res from exploding into big ones. Peters’ sta said the streamlining provisions sll allow ample opportunity for review and court challenges. Crics have said thinning can negavely impact wildlife that depend on the forest for food and habitat and are leery of anything that might close o avenues to challenge such projects. Though there’s broad disagreement, thinning and other forest management tools have proved eecve in combang wildres, according to some experts. In California, a state program has won praise for streamlining regulaons for wildland management, but it has its crics, such as the Sierra Club.”On a local level and at home, tell your county commissioners and re chiefs that their/our community needs to support the forest products industry by working together to clean up the forests, harvest more trees sustainably, and provide adequate habitat for sh and wildlife.Improving the lives of people in the wood industry globally.visit us at:kovaldigital.comWebsitesBrandingCopyCinematic filmDigitalcampaignsStrategyPodcastingAnimationYour business success starts here!DesignWood treatment plant manufacturing, worldwide since 1983.The most environmentally friendly wood treatment ever known!Hydro-Thermo Modication 1-877-785-0274 www.americanwoodtechnology.comAmerican Wood Technology AWT Options: design, fabrication, layouts & accessories• Smallest footprint & simplest installation• Most gentle process available• Most eective heat transfer• Fastest process time & better product quality• Lowest processing cost per board footOur thermo plant designs provide:

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CONQUER© 2019 Wood-Mizer LLC *Price in US Dollars. Price and specications subject to change without notice. The ALL NEW WM4500 Industrial Sawmill is fully-loaded with stronger angled bed rails, reinforced dual-rod side supports, enhanced material drag back, and is equipped with 2" blades, balanced steel band wheels, 3" diameter blade guide rollers, 50% stronger head structure, pressurized blade lube system, powered taper rollers, and more. Don’t just live the wood life, CONQUER IT with Wood-Mizer’s next generation agship industrial sawmill. FOR MORE OUTPUT THAN EVER TRY THE NEW 1-1/4" TOOTH SPACING TURBO 7 BLADE! 800.553.0812$119,995* Retail Price“The quality of how Wood-Mizer constructs their mills and their engineering help you maintain production as well as your quality of cutting. The WM4500 is a lot heavier built which makes it easier handling bigger and longer logs.”—Marty Garbers L. Garbers & Sons Sawmill, OHIO, USANEW!7filmDigitalHardwood Industries,“Partners in Success since 1981”Next Generation Distribution

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8Update from Hardwood FederaonDana Cole, Execuve DirectorJune 2024The Polical Summer AgendaThe November elecons are roughly 4 months away, summer has arrived in D.C. and the polical pundits are busy analyzing what can get done in the few legislave days le on the calendar before the people head to the vong booth. In the 20 or so weeks between now and the elecon, one or both Houses of Congress will be in session for only about half of them. Both Chambers are scheduled to be in recess for the month of August as is tradion. Less tradional and more polical are plans to also be on recess for the month of October, the run up to the November elecon. Two weeks in July are also scheduled for non-D.C. acvies, including the Republican Naonal Convenon and the July 4th holiday. Democrats convene for their convenon in August.The top priority for legislators in the days they will spend in D.C. will be moving the appropriaons bills that fund government operaons before they expire in October. Bills of this nature start in the House and move to the Senate for consideraon before going on for Presidenal signature. It seems likely that the annual defense policy bill, the Naonal Defense Authorizaon Act, will be acted on before the end of the year. Less likely, but sll possible is reauthorizaon of the Farm Bill which has already been extended for one year past its deadline. While a biparsan House bill has moved forward, the Senate is sll working to come up with nal language. Democrats in the Senate released their framework and some inial language a couple months ago. The Republicans recently released their framework of priories indicang that negoaons between the two sides may begin in earnest in the near future.Moving a tax bill reinstang many of the provisions of the Trump era Tax Cuts and Jobs Act while boosng child tax credits seems unlikely, but key players including Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Congressman Jason Smith (R-MO) connue to push forward.For those operang outside the beltway, it is unfathomable why these issues cannot be resolved in a mely and orderly manner. If a business permit or license expires, you renew it. If there are bills to be paid, you cut the check. Unfortunately, while Congress is good at imposing rules for others to follow, they are very good at delaying acon that is by most standards, essenal. Why?First, it important to remember that our system of government was not created to be quick. The three branches of government were created to slow things down, allow for dissenng opon, and force policy debate. It works. The ever-growing tensions between the two main polical pares acts as a further drag on agreement and acon.Most, if not all, of the acon on the bills noted above will be delayed unl the “lame duck” session; that period of me between the elecon and the swearing in of the new Congress and President. At that point, the table will be set for the next Congressional session, and current leaders will understand exactly what leverage they have at the end of 2024 as compared to early 2025. Both pares will strategize how they can best maximize their priories…whether that means taking acon before Christmas or throwing up delays so that legislaon can be dealt with in the new year.The boom line for the Hardwood Federaon team is that we have to keep working both sides of the aisle to ensure that everyone understands OUR priories…and try to get the best result from whatever the eventual elecon outcome may be. This is also what makes our unied voice so important…hearing the same message from all of our associaon members and their company members under the Hardwood Federaon banner makes our case for acon stronger. And louder. Candidates will be out in force this summer and fall…look for talking points and helpful hints about how you can help spread the Hardwood Federaon message for federal acon that helps support our amazing industry.In the event you see your elected ocials, be sure to echo the Federaon’s key “asks”:Congress Must Pass the Farm Bill! As lawmakers debate compeng priories for the farm bill, tell your federal elected ocials that the nal package must include: • Hardwood Exports - Double funding for USDA export promoon. Fortunately for industry, the House version of the bill and the Senate framework include this key provision, which lawmakers must push across the nish line!• Biomass - Legally binding biomass carbon neutrality language as part of the Farm Bill reauthorizaon eort.• Workforce – The “Jobs in the Woods Act,” sponsored by Reps. Chavez-Deremer (R-OR) and Gluesenkamp-Perez (D-WA) on the House side and Sens. King (I-ME) and Risch (R-ID) in the Senate. This biparsan bill (H.R. 5344, S. 3063) provides educaon grants ranging in size from $500,000 to $2 million to promote jobs in the understaed mber industry and U.S. Forest Service. For details, please click here. Support the Hardwood Access and Development Program Act - Tell your House lawmakers to cosponsor H.R.

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9Since 1907 The Pacific Northwest’s Complete Hardwood Resource

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106880, the “Hardwood Access and Development Program Act.” This biparsan bill, sponsored by Reps. Tom Tiany (R-WI-07) and Ann Kuster (D-NH-02), creates a compeve grant program to support consumer educaon about the sustainability, low carbon footprint, domesc producon and rural economic impacts of U.S. made hardwood products. For details, please click here.Taxes – The Senate must pass the House tax package, the “Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act” (H.R. 7024), which restores 100% bonus depreciaon of equipment, the depreciaon and amorzaon (EBITDA) business interest deducon and an R&D tax credit. It also increases the limits on expensing depreciable business assets under Sec. 179 to $1.29 million.The industry will connue to advocate for two addional provisions that would provide much needed relief to our small and medium-sized companies:• Making permanent the 20% small business deducon for QBI earned by a pass-through enty.• Preserving estate tax exempons included in the 2017 tax reform law. For details, please click here..Update - Real American Hardwood CoalionMagnolia has started running the next round of ads that are focused on consideraon. The ads run from 10 AM – 10 PM, and since they have started running, trac to the website is up 1200%. The ads will run through the end of the year, and we have been guaranteed by Canvas that if we do not reach our expected numbers, they will connue to run the ads unl we do. Ads can be viewed on the YouTube channel, Real American Hardwood - YouTube.Member NewsZena Forest Products is thrilled to unveil Zena EdgeGrain™, a ground-breaking wood le product that has been in development for the past three years. This innovave product redenes possibilies in wood ulizaon and is exclusively manufactured in North America by Zena Forest Products. Zena EdgeGrain™ uses small, narrow, and historically underulized pieces of wood, expanding the company’s ability to support forest restoraon eorts

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throughout Oregon. The les oer a revoluonary surface treatment suitable for oors, walls, ceilings, and cabinet faces, providing a unique aesthec appeal.Measuring 7.5” x 15”, each Zena EdgeGrain™ le is composed of individual scks held together by wire, making them exible and breathable. These les can be installed on any smooth surface and their 2:1 length-to-width rao allows for various installaon paerns, enhancing visual texture. Since founding Zena Forest Products 17 years ago, the mission has been to create a signicant impact on Oregon’s forests by converng wood from forest restoraon into valuable, durable products. The temperate rainforests of the Pacic Northwest have unmatched carbon sequestraon capabilies, and Zena EdgeGrain™ contributes to this mission by maximizing wood ulizaon and increasing the number of trees that can be transformed into high-quality products.NewsOregon State University uncovered a Goldilocks eect when it was researching the ability of a wildre to improve the health of a forest. Unless a blaze falls in a narrow severity range, neither too hot nor too cold, it isn’t very good at helping forest landscapes return to their historical, more re-tolerant condions. Addionally, one blaze can’t restore species composion to its historical norm in a forest that evolved amid frequent, low-severity res, the sciensts found.The study led by Skye Greenler, a graduate research fellow in the OSU College of Forestry, and Chris Dunn, an assistant professor in the college, has important implicaons for land managers charged with restoring ecosystems and reducing re hazards in dry forests such as those east of the Cascade Range. - Seid, R. (2023, March 10). The Goldilocks Eect for Wildres. The Portland Wholesale Lumber Associaon. hps:// May, the private sector added 152,000 new jobs, falling short of the consensus forecast of 175,000 jobs. This marks the slowest monthly job growth since the beginning of the year. According to ADP payroll data, the goods-producing sector added 3,000 new jobs, but the manufacturing industry shed 20,000 jobs.Overall annual pay is up 5% year-over-year while annual pay in the manufacturing sector is up 4.7%. - excerpted from DuBravac, Shawn, Dr.. “NAM-Weekly Economic Report - June 10, 2024”| NAM. Naonal Associaon of Manufacturers.: n. pag.In May, the Consumer Price Index was unchanged aer a 0.3% rise in April. This was below the consensus expectaons of a 0.1% rise. Prices are up 3.3% over the past year. Food prices rose 0.1% while energy prices declined 2%. “Core” CPI, which excludes food and energy, increased 0.2% in May, below the consensus expected 0.3%. Core prices are up 3.4% in the past year.Food at home prices were at in May and up just 1% in the past year. Food away from home prices rose 0.4% during the month and are up 4% in the past 12 months. In May, the energy index dropped 2.0% aer a 1.1% increase in April. Gasoline prices fell 3.6%, natural gas declined 0.8% and fuel oil dropped 0.4%. Electricity prices remained unchanged. Over the past year, the energy index is up 3.7%, with gasoline up 2.2%, electricity up 5.9%, natural gas up just 0.2% and fuel oil up 3.6%.The shelter index increased 0.4% and is up 5.4% in the past year, accounng for more than two-thirds of the overall 12-month increase in core prices. Signicant annual increases included motor vehicle insurance (+20.3%), medical care (+3.1%), recreaon (+1.3%) and personal care (+2.9%). - excerpted from DuBravac, Shawn, Dr. “NAM-Weekly Economic Report - June 17, 2024”| NAM. Naonal Associaon of Manufacturers.: n. pag.

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Safety StorageEfficiency Enhance the Safety, Capacity & Efficiency of your Storage FacilityManage your hardwood safely, more producively, and using less space with Combilit’s materials handling soluionsOur range of electric forklits combine powerful mulidirecional performance, emission free operaion and a host of up to the minute technologies to ofer the most eicient way to handle long loads.Contact Us TodayTToo ffiinndd oouutt hhooww CCoommbbiilliifftt ccaann hheellpp yyoouu ssaaffeellyy aanndd eeffffiicciieennttllyy llooaadd ccoonnttaaiinneerrss iinn 66 mmiinnuutteess..combilift.com1245 Years Leading Dry Kiln Efciency! (800) 777-6953

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1345 Years Leading Dry Kiln Efciency!Overall, manufacturing looks stable: Industrial producon increased 0.9% in May, reversing previous declines. Manufacturing output also rose 0.9% in May but is up only 0.1% from last year. Durable goods manufacturing rose 0.6%, with notable gains in wood products (+2.6%) and machinery (+2.3%).In May, industrial producon increased 0.9%. Manufacturing output also rose 0.9% aer two months of decline. The mining index increased 0.3%, and the ulies index advanced 1.6%. Industrial producon is up 0.4% from May 2023. Capacity ulizaon reached 78.7%, which is 0.9 percentage points below the long-run average from 1972 to 2023. - excerpted from DuBravac, Shawn, Dr. “NAM-Weekly Economic Report - June 24, 2024”| NAM. Naonal Associaon of Manufacturers.: n. pag.Consumers are feeling slightly more condent: Consumer condence rebounded slightly in May, but consumers remain cauous due to inaon and interest rate concerns. - excerpted from DuBravac, Shawn, Dr. “NAM-Weekly Economic Report - June 3, 2024”| NAM. Naonal Associaon of Manufacturers.: n. pag.In May, 18% of small business owners plan to raise compensaon, down three points from April and the lowest since March 2021, according to the NFIB's jobs report. While fewer businesses plan compensaon hikes, 42% couldn't ll open posions. Labor cost concerns dropped to 10%, but labor quality issues increased slightly to 20%. Despite these challenges, 60% of businesses were hiring, with job openings highest in construcon, manufacturing, and transportaon.MovateTHE OBSTACLE IN OUR PATHby author unknownThere once was a very wealthy and curious king. This king had a huge boulder placed in the middle of a road. Then he hid nearby to see if anyone would try to remove the giganc rock from the road.The rst people to pass by were some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courers. Rather than moving it, they simply walked around it. A few loudly blamed the King for not maintaining the roads. Not one of them tried to move the boulder.Finally, a peasant came along. His arms were full of vegetables. When he got near the boulder, rather than simply walking around it as the others had, the peasant put down his load and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. It took a lot of eort but he nally succeeded.The peasant gathered up his load and was ready to go on his way when he saw a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The peasant opened the purse. The purse was stued full of gold coins and a note from the king. The king’s note said the purse’s gold was a reward for moving the boulder from the road.Moral of the story - Every obstacle that we come across gives us an opportunity to improve our circumstances, and while the lazy complain, others are creang opportunies through their kind hearts, generosity, and willingness to get things done.

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15Joining our hardwood associaon is an exhilarang opportunity packed with dynamic benets! Here's why you should jump on board with unmatched enthusiasm:1. **Unite for Greater Impact:** Let's amplify our inuence by joining forces with sowood groups, revoluonizing mber harvest together!2. **Powerhouse Representaon:** Gain a voice that resonates in the corridors of power! With our membership in the Hardwood Federaon, we're shaping policies in Washington DC and championing the hardwood cause!3. **Ignite Domesc Demand:** With the Real American Hardwood Coalion, we're spearheading a thrilling domesc markeng crusade that's pung hardwoods in the spotlight where they belong!4. **Conquer Global Markets:** Buckle up for an exhilarang ride as we conquer internaonal markets through our membership in the American Hardwood Export Council, showcasing the nest American hardwoods to the world!5. **Connect and Thrive:** Dive into a whirlwind of networking opportunies at the WHA's electrifying annual convenon and beyond, where connecons spark innovaon and success!6. **Inspire Future Leaders:** Join us in empowering forestry students to embrace the wonders of hardwoods through our capvang Design Contest and Scholarship Program!7. **Stay Ahead with Cung-Edge Insights:** Get ready to level up your game. We’re planning ground-breaking webinars, including must-know topics like navigang the AI revoluon in business!8. **Unlock a Wealth of Knowledge:** Our soon-to-be revamped website can be your ulmate desnaon for everything hardwood-related, oering a treasure trove of educaonal resources at your ngerps!9. **Shape the Future:** Dive into acon with our newly minted Strategic Plan and take the helm in one of our six acon commiees, where your experse can shape the future of our associaon!10. **Stay Informed and Promote Your Brand:** Don't miss out on the excitement of our Monthly Digital Magazine, where you'll nd the pulse of the industry, unbeatable adversing rates, and the chance to showcase your company's success stories!With so much passion, innovaon, and opportunity awaing, joining our hardwood associaon isn't just a choice—it's an adventure you won't want to miss! Join us today and let's carve out a future of unparalleled success together!Going to a meeting? Contact us to take along one of these popups for your table and help grow WHA!

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16HARDWOOD MARKETINGDIRECTORYGreen Book’s72ndEDITION202472nd Edition/2024Green Book’sHARDWOODMARKETING DIRECTORY“The World’s Leading Information Source on Hardwood Markets!”The HARDWOOD PRODUCTS SALES GUIDE that tells you the species, grades, thicknesses and quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, IMPORTED WOODS, PLYWOOD, DIMENSION, ETC. purchased by wood-working plants in the United States and Canada.You can get your share of this market quicker when these buyers know who you are and where you’re located! Advertising Sparks Sales!The 2024 edion of Green Book’s Hardwood Markeng Directory is available for lease in both a printed version and ONLINE! This service gives Hardwood lumber sales representaves instant access to over 6,000 woodworking plants and distribuon/concentraon yards’ Hardwood lumber purchasing needs throughout North America. Each lisng includes species, grades, thicknesses and qualies of lumber purchased regularly. It also gives the lumber buyer’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and website. The Online copy leases for $2,100 and the printed copy leases for $1,400 per year. A discounted rate is available with a qualifying Ad program in Naonal Hardwood Magazine or Import/Export Wood Purchasing News.The 2024 edion of Green Book’s Sowood Markeng Directory is also available ONLINE! It is lled with over 4,500 woodworking and industrial plants’ Sowood lumber purchasing needs. This directory contains the same type of informaon as the Hardwood directory. It is a free service with a qualifying Ad program in The Sowood Forest Products Buyer. Without an Ad program, it can be accessed for $1,200 per year.For more informaon on either Green Book, contact Jennifer Trentman at 901-372-8280 or email us at

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WESTERN HARDWOOD ASSOCIATIONWESTERN HARDWOOD ASSOCIATIONANNUAL CONVENTIONANNUAL CONVENTIONALL IN ON HARDWOOD: ALL IN ON HARDWOOD: CRAFTING A WINNING STRATEGY IN TIMBER MARKETSCRAFTING A WINNING STRATEGY IN TIMBER MARKETSSEPTEMBER 23-25, 2024SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2024Ilani Casino Hotel - Ridgeeld, WAIlani Casino Hotel - Ridgeeld, WALevel:$ Invoice meName on card: _______________________________________________ Card #: ___________________________ Exp:_______ CVV: __________ Address: ____________________City: _____________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Email form to: wha@westernhardwood.orgOr online:$10,000 - $10,000 - ALDERALDER 4 free registrations, 12 months of full page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting, special recognition during the meeting.$5,000 - $5,000 - PC PC MAPLE MAPLE 3 free registrations, 12 months of full page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.$3,000 - $3,000 - OAKOAK2 free registrations, 12 months of 1/2 page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.$1,000 - WALNUT$1,000 - WALNUT1 free registration, 6 months of 1/2 page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.$500 - $500 - COTTONWOODCOTTONWOOD 12 months of quarter page size magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.All sponsors will be featured in promotion materials, magazine, logo on webpage.SEND

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WESTERN HARDWOOD ASSOCIATIONWESTERN HARDWOOD ASSOCIATIONANNUAL CONVENTIONANNUAL CONVENTIONALL IN ON HARDWOOD: ALL IN ON HARDWOOD: CRAFTING A WINNING STRATEGY IN TIMBER MARKETSCRAFTING A WINNING STRATEGY IN TIMBER MARKETSSEPTEMBER 23-25, 2024SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2024Ilani Casino Hotel - Ridgeeld, WAIlani Casino Hotel - Ridgeeld, WALevel:$ Invoice meName on card: _______________________________________________ Card #: ___________________________ Exp:_______ CVV: __________ Address: ____________________City: _____________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ________________________________________________________ Email form to: wha@westernhardwood.orgOr online:$10,000 - $10,000 - ALDERALDER 4 free registrations, 12 months of full page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting, special recognition during the meeting.$5,000 - $5,000 - PC PC MAPLE MAPLE 3 free registrations, 12 months of full page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.$3,000 - $3,000 - OAKOAK2 free registrations, 12 months of 1/2 page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.$1,000 - WALNUT$1,000 - WALNUT1 free registration, 6 months of 1/2 page magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.$500 - $500 - COTTONWOODCOTTONWOOD 12 months of quarter page size magazine ads, logo on banner at meeting.All sponsors will be featured in promotion materials, magazine, logo on webpage.SEND